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Amazon Authors: How to Establish Your Author Central and Author Page

How to create amazon author central account

With the rise of self-publishing, Amazon has become a central hub for authors to bring their work directly to readers. An essential tool for self-published authors on this platform is Amazon Author Central, which allows writers to personalise their presence on Amazon and connect with their audience. By setting up an Author Central account, authors can create a professional Author page, track book sales, and access a suite of marketing tools designed to enhance their promotional efforts.

An Author page serves as a public-facing portfolio of an author’s work on Amazon. It showcases their books, biography, and provides an opportunity to share updates and events with readers. This dedicated page also features customer reviews and enables authors to incorporate blog feeds and videos, further engaging with their readership. Thus, maintaining a polished and comprehensive Author page can significantly influence an author’s brand and reader loyalty.

Navigating Amazon Author Central can appear daunting for new authors, yet mastering this platform is crucial in today’s competitive marketplace. Authors who effectively manage their Author Central account can gain valuable insights into their audience, refine their marketing strategies, and ultimately boost their book sales. Engaging with readers through a thoughtfully crafted Author page is more than just a promotional activity; it’s a means to build and sustain a thriving literary career.

Setting Up Your Amazon Author Central Account

An Amazon Author Central account is an essential platform for authors to enhance their presence on Amazon.co.uk. Authors can set up their Author Central account by following these clear, straightforward steps:

Setting Up Your Amazon Author Central Account


  1. Visit the Amazon Author Central Website: Navigate to authorcentral.amazon.co.uk and select ‘Join Now’.
  2. Sign-In or Create an Amazon Account: Authors who already have an Amazon account can sign in using their existing credentials. New users should create an account.
  3. Author Verification: They must confirm their identity as an author by providing the name their books are published under.

Upon successful sign in and verification, one will be prompted to complete their Author Central profile:

  • Biography: It should be concise, free of exaggeration, and display key points about the author’s background and writing career.
  • Profile Photo: Add a professional, high-resolution headshot that conforms to Amazon’s guidelines.
  • Bibliography: Link their published works to the profile. This can be achieved by searching for their books on Amazon and adding them to their bibliography.
  • Contact Information: Fill in the contact information for readers and Amazon to use.

Authors have the option to:

  • Track Sales: Monitor sales data of their titles.
  • Connect Blog: Integrate their RSS feed to keep readers updated with fresh content.
  • Answer Reader Questions: Engage with their audience by responding to questions posted on their Author Page.

Regular updates and accurate information maintenance ensure that their Author Central account reflects their latest achievements and works, facilitating reader engagement and potentially influencing their book sales on Amazon.

Creating Your Author Page on Amazon

Create an Author Page on Amazon

The Author Page on Amazon provides a dedicated space for authors to connect with readers. By setting up this feature, authors can showcase their biographies, upload their photos, and list their books, all of which contribute to a more engaged reader base.

Adding Your Biography

Authors should craft a compelling biography for their Author Page. It should provide insights into their background, writing influences, and any awards or recognitions they have earned. The biography can be written in a narrative style and should be kept concise to maintain reader engagement.

Uploading Your Author Photo

A professional author photo is paramount for creating a personal connection with the audience. Authors can upload a high-resolution image to their Amazon Author Page, ensuring it reflects their brand and is appropriate for their readership.

Adding Book Listings

For authors to add book listings, they must ensure all published works are linked to their Author Central account. Each listing should include the book’s cover image, a succinct description, and relevant details such as ISBN or ASIN. These listings help readers discover the author’s full catalogue of work.

Optimising Your Author Page

An optimised Author Page on Amazon can significantly enhance an author’s visibility and connectivity with their audience. It is imperative to strategically manage customer reviews, engage with readers through blog posts, and proactively use the Author Updates feature.

Managing Customer Reviews

Readers often rely on customer reviews when making a purchasing decision. Authors should regularly check for new reviews and respond professionally to feedback. While they cannot alter reviews, showing appreciation for positive feedback and addressing concerns can foster a positive relationship with readers.



Thanking reviewers Shows appreciation and encourages engagement
Monitoring reviews Helps understand reader perspectives

Connecting with Readers Through Blog Posts

Authors can directly engage with their audience by integrating their blog into their Author Page. Posts should deliver valuable insights and behind-the-scenes content, thereby encouraging readers to return for more.

  • Keep content relevant and interesting
  • Update regularly to maintain reader interest

Utilising Author Updates

The Author Updates section is a potent tool for keeping readers informed about new projects, book tours, and special promotions. Authors should:

  1. Post timely updates
  2. Highlight exclusive content

Frequent updates keep readers engaged and anticipate future works, maintaining an active author-reader dialogue.

Understanding Amazon’s Author Central Analytics

Amazon’s Author Central provides authors with a suite of analytics, enabling them to track their book sales, customer reviews, and reach. The platform’s dashboard is user-friendly and offers several key metrics that authors should regularly monitor.

Sales Data: Authors can access their book sales data, which is updated daily. This includes sales by geography, format (print, eBook), and channel (Amazon, third-party resellers).

  • Rankings: Authors can view their book’s sales rank, comparing its performance against other titles on Amazon.
  • Customer Reviews: Tracking reviews is crucial as they can influence purchasing decisions. The dashboard shows the number of reviews and average rating.

Author Rank: This metric reflects an author’s popularity across all of their books on Amazon, based on sales data and is updated hourly.

  • Book Scan Data: Authors with print books can see Nielsen BookScan data, which covers approximately 85% of the print book market. The data includes retail and online sales, excluding sales from Amazon.com.

Traffic and Conversion: Authors should pay attention to traffic and conversion rates, understanding how many visitors viewed their product page versus how many proceeded to purchase.

Lastly, authors have the option to manage editorial reviews and their bio, ensuring their Author Page is up-to-date. While analytics can guide marketing and promotional strategies, authors should consider external factors such as seasonality and industry trends when interpreting data.

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